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LA TOSCA 13 – 3, 4, 5 MARCH 2023

Villa Castelletti, Via Castelletti 5, Signa (Florence) Italy           ITALIANO



The contribution fee (190€) includes the Marathon (Friday – Sunday) + 2 Brunches + 2 Dinners + Fruits and water + After Marathon entrance (Sunday night) + Shuttle service that connects Villa Castelletti to Signa.


By registering you accept our Registration rules and Data Use Policy.





Single registrations only. If you are planning to participate as a sentimental couple, both of you must compile the registration form separately and mention the partner’s name in the registration form.


We will send you an email communicating if your subscription has been accepted (we need at least 2 weeks) and the method of payment. Your participation will be confirmed after receipt of payment.


Participants will be selected in order to keep the balance (gender/role, nationality), so the order of registration will not be strictly considered a priority in confirming participation.


Confirmed participation cannot be transferred to another person.


Refund policy: 100% refund for cancellations made before 31 December; 50% refund for cancellations made before 20 January. Marathon cancellation: In the case of event cancellation from the side of the organizers due to government regulations, the fees will be transferred to the next edition.


Covid policy: No restrictions or requirements at the moment. The Covid-related policies of the event may change depending on the valid Italian government regulations at the moment of the marathon; we will publish the updates of the event’s policies due to Covid restrictions on our website and also via e-mail to all participants.





Il contributo (190€) include: la maratona (venerdì – domenica) + 2 brunches + 2 cene + frutta e acqua + ingresso all’After Marathon Milonga (domenica sera) + Servizio navetta che collega Villa Castelletti a Signa.


Registrandoti accetti le nostre regole di registrazione e la politica di utilizzo dei dati.



È consentita la registrazione solo come single. Se hai intenzione di partecipare con il tuo partner sentimentale, ricorda che entrambi dovete compilare il modulo separatamente menzionando il nome del partner. 

Ti invieremo una mail comunicandoti se la tua iscrizione è stata accettata (abbiamo bisogno di almeno 2 settimane) e la modalità di pagamento. La tua partecipazione sarà confermata solo dopo aver ricevuto il pagamento. I partecipanti saranno selezionati in modo da mantenere l'equilibrio (genere/ruolo, nazionalità), pertanto l'ordine di iscrizione non sarà considerato strettamente prioritario nella conferma della partecipazione.

La conferma di partecipazione non può essere trasferita ad altri.


Politica di rimborso: rimborso del 100% per cancellazioni effettuate entro il 31 dicembre; Rimborso del 50% per cancellazioni effettuate entro il 31 gennaio. Annullamento della maratona: In caso di annullamento dell'evento da parte degli organizzatori a causa di disposizioni governative, le quote verranno trasferite all'edizione successiva.


Norme Covid: Nessuna restrizione al momento. Le politiche di svolgimento relative a Covid possono cambiare in base alle normative governative italiane in vigore al momento della maratona; pubblicheremo gli eventuali aggiornamenti sul nostro sito web e anche via e-mail a tutti i partecipanti.


​Data Use Policy

We respect your right to privacy. This email Privacy Policy sets out details about the way we process personal data that we collect from you and how we may use your information when you subscribe to or are already included in a mailing list.

Collection of your personal data

When you subscribe we collect your name, email address, origin, subscription preferences, and any other information you choose to provide to us.

Use of your personal data

We collect personal data from you only where we have your consent to do so;

We will use the personal data you have provided to us to send you email alerts and gather feedback to improve our email alerts. We may also occasionally contact you to improve our service.

Storage and retention of your personal data

We will retain your personal data for as long as is necessary for the purpose it was collected.

When you have subscribed to participate in our event, we will keep your personal data for as long as you are subscribed to that La ToSCA registration service and delete that data once you have requested to be removed. At the end of the retention period, your personal data will be disposed of securely.

Disclosure and security of your personal data

We never disclose your personal data to third parties.

Photo-video disclaimer: During La ToSCA Tango Marathon you may be photographed, filmed, or videotaped.

Registering to the event, you thereby give to the organizers the unqualified right to take pictures and/or recordings of you and grant the perpetual right to use legally your likeness, image, or photo (collectively, “image”), without compensation, for broadcast or exhibition in any medium (Social Media, Web Site, Advertising) and to put the finished pictures/recordings to any legitimate use without limitation or reservation.

You thereby waive, release and forever discharge the organizers from and against any and all claims or actions arising out of or resulting from any use of your image.

Data Use Policy

Photo: R. Tanasescu

About Us

We are four tango dancers living in Tuscany... in 2009 we decided to transform a desire into reality: bring a lot of great tango dancers close to our home!

This is why La ToSCA began!

From that moment, a lot of things happened, but we continued organizing this event year after year!

In 2018 we celebrated a wonderful 10 Years Anniversary Party!
In 2020, because of covid, we had to postpone the event... but finally, after 2 sad years, a joyful twelfth edition took place.


 But our dream is still going on....

don't miss the 14th EDITION!


Le Tosche

Anastasia, Lara, Alessandra, Debora





La ToSCA Marathon

Anastasia Di Mitri

Lara Foschi

Alessandra Pais

Debora Giusti


Copyright All Rights Reserved © 2023 - Lara Foschi



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