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Airport of Florence “A. Vespucci” (about 10km)


Airport of Pisa “G. Galilei” (about 70km)


From the airports reach the train station and take the train for Signa.


The TOSCA shuttle service will stop also in front of the Train Station of Signa so you can reach the hotels or Villa Castelletti

The estimated Taxi fare from the Airport to Signa is 40€


From the Florence Train Station (Santa Maria Novella) and Pisa train station there are a lot of trains to reach Signa. Timetable:


From the Airport to Florence Train Station you can use:
-Taxi (about 20€)
- Bus (6€)


Se avete bisogno di un TAXI per raggiungere la maratona:

Da SIGNA: Fabrizio +39 3398740575 (6 seats)

Da POGGIO A CAIANO: Massimo +39 33520362


RADIOTAXI:  +39 0554242



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